Crazy Weed Kitchen

Well, if you're like me, the only think better than being in the mountains is finding a great place to eat while you're out there. Normally I'm down to eat anything on the drive back to Calgary, but every once in a while I get whiney and want something a little more filling and a little more flavourful. Turns out that's what I got when I decided to turn into Crazy Weed Kitchen on our way home from Lake Louise last month.
When you walk in, it looks ultra modern, and our table was half seated on a couch with pillows. It looked pretty cool inside, but let's face it, it comes down to the food. I saw a signed picture of John Catucci on the wall, indicating "You Gotta Eat Here" had filmed an episode, so you knew it was at least television worthy. Upon receiving the menu, I was immediately drawn to two items: the chicken pot pie and the duck confit sandwich. I am pretty sure I would have been floored with either choice, but I ended up going with the duck confit sandwich with a bowl of sweet potato and roasted garlic soup for my side.
First off, the soup was amazing. Simple, yet so creamy and sweet yet savoury. I'm a huge sucker for garlic, and it really seemed to play well with the sweet potatoes. Probably one of the best soups I've had. The sandwich was the real kicker though. The salty sweetness of the duck, combined with the cherry mostarda was amazing. It was also served with a few slices of bread & butter pickles. Now, typically I HATE pickles, and have been known to go on a rant about it, but these were something else. A little sweet, but the perfect amount of tart. Even if you are a pickle hater like me, I'd recommend at least a nibble. They could change your mind.
Overall, the food was pretty great, and it's nice to know there is somewhere that serves chicken pot pie on the way home from Sunshine after a day of snowboarding or hiking. Definitely will be back. Check out the menu on their website as they have some interesting choices, and I really had no idea what to pick when it came time to order.

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