Millarville Farmers Market

Not far from Okotoks sits the Millarville Farmers Market. I'm a huge fan of farmers markets first off because I love local food, but also because there's some sort of sense of community at them that I love. When you first arrive it looks like there is only a small row of stalls, but once you make your way in, there are actually quite a few, they're just tucked in behind the racetrack.

The market is located off of Highway 22, which is a great drive anyway. Although the last day for the Farmers Market was October 11, there is a Christmas Market November 7-9, as well as many more activities that can be found on their online calendar.

As you walk in, you get a feel for what all the market has to offer. Some stands have locally raised meats, some have handmade art, and more. What immediately caught my attention was an entire trailer dedicated to perogies, after being deprived of them for so long while I lived in Georgia.

Melissa and I spent about an hour wandering around the stalls. There are some indoors as well as outdoors, and enough different and interesting products to warrant a visit, even if you don't plan on buying any food. There was also some live music going, and we also found the biggest firepit I've ever seen.
After meandering our way through the market a couple times, we sat down for lunch at the food stall operated by Canadian Rocky Mountain Ranch. They had quite the interesting menu, featuring the usual barbeque fare like hotdogs and burgers, as well as some more exotic items, like the Elk Sausage with tomato jam that I had. Melissa had an order of poutine, and I decided that my arteries were just in too good of shape and ordered some onion rings to top it all off. The sausage was pretty good, although perhaps a little dry, but it's game meat, and the poutine was good, sprinkled with a good amount of pepper, keeping it interesting.

While the market is now over until next year, you still have the chance to check out the Christmas Market and more at Millarville, and with the leaves currently as yellow as they are, I'd recommend at least making the drive out.


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