Royal Tyrrell Museum/Horse Thief Canyon

About a month ago Bryce and I went to the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller. This is a trip we had been wanting to do for a while and it did not disappoint! Because it was a Saturday we got there early to avoid lines, and on our way out at the end we saw we had made the right decision - the line was huge!

The exhibits order chronologically through history so you really get a full understanding of the prehistoric past in Alberta. I recommend taking a moment to read the information in each area because it's really quite interesting - and half of the fun!

After going through the museum we drove through the main part of town for some lunch, and to see the world's biggest T-rex!

After refuelling we drove to Horse Thief Canyon to take in the sights. We didn't have a lot of time so it was a brief visit, but amazing none-the-less! We climbed a few feet down into the Canyon, but if we had more time I imagine we would have found our way over to the other side.

If you're looking for a unique experience outside of the mountains, the drive to Drumheller is well worth it. You can walk around town and grab a bite to eat, go to the museum and see some amazing sights of the badlands.


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