Moraine Lake

Moraine Lake is a spot I have been dying to go since the first time Bryce mentioned it to me.You may think it looks beautiful in photos, but wait until you see the real thing. From the road that takes you up to Lake Louise you will see a sign for Moraine Lake, turn left at the sign and drive up the winding road for 14 km. You will want to get here early to avoid traffic and find parking.

Initial view when you walk over to the lake from the parking lot

When you get up to the lake there are a lot of places you can go for different views. First we decided to climb up the rock pile, which is a short easy walk up some stairs, and is where you can see the iconic Canadian $10 bill view. Unfortunately it was cloudy the morning we were here so we didn't get to see all 10 of the peaks.

Yes, the water is really this blue.

After taking in the view from the rockpile we walked along the lake shoreline where you can see the water up close and eventually see the waterfall at the end. The walk along the shoreline is also an easy walk (we weren't even wearing hiking shoes).

You can stop on the dock where they store the canoes:

See the water up close - dip your fingers in and feel how cold it is!

Walk to the end of the shoreline and see the waterfall:

Moraine Lake is easily one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. There are also a handful of hikes you can do from the lake, but you need a group of 4 (Calling all hiking friends!). Next summer we hope to see Paradise Valley and Larch Valley. See more Moraine Lake hikes here


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