Snowshoe Hare Trail at West Bragg Creek

Melissa and I both received a pair of snowshoes this year from her parents, so we quickly decided we wanted to try them out in West Bragg Creek at the Snowshoe Hare trail. It's just a quick drive out to West Bragg Creek, and the area offers over 5km of snowshoe trails as well as tons of cross country ski trails. It also appears to be a popular spot for fat bikers, although we didn't actually pass any on the trail.
The tree where we stopped for a snack
Heading into the trail from the parking lot quickly gives you a good idea of what the whole trail is like, with small rolling hills, dense forest and a fairly packed out trail. If you want fresh powder, I'd advise getting there early after a fresh snowfall.

Trails are extremely well marked, with bright orange trail markers guiding the way for snowshoers on the trail. There are also ample opportunities for a little off trail exploration, although try to keep an eye on the trail as it is easy to quickly lose sight of the main trail.
Trail Markers

The rolling hills and snow keep your heart rate up, so be sure to wear layers. With Melissa and I stopping to eat on the trail, it took us just over 2 hours to finish without really feeling like we were rushing. While there aren't any stunning mountain views from the trail, the chance to be in the forest among the squirrels, birds and snow provides a relaxing experience. The trail can get fairly busy, so again, getting there early is the name of the game. If this is your first time snowshoeing or you want to rent some and try a fairly easy trail, the Snowshoe Hare Loop at West Bragg Creek won't let you down.


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